Welcome to Flora's exclusive collection of Oxalis triangularis, the plant that combines beauty with resilience. Often called the "Butterfly Plant" for its unique leaf movement, Oxalis triangularis has fascinated plant lovers for generations. Whether you're on a quest for Oxalis triangularis for sale or looking to enrich your garden with this eye-catching specimen, our selection promises the finest quality. Start your journey with us and bring the elegance of Oxalis triangularis into your home.

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  • Watering

    Oxalis triangularis enjoys moderate watering, preferring to dry out slightly between. Visit our blog soon for an in-depth watering guide tailored to ensure your plant thrives.

  • Lighting

    The right light can make your Oxalis triangularis truly shine. For the secrets to perfect lighting, our detailed guide is on its way.

  • Care Guide

    Elevate your plant care game with our ultimate guide to Oxalis triangularis. From watering to lighting, we've got you covered.

Oxalis Triangularis FAQ

What is a Oxalis triangularis?

Oxalis triangularis, also known as the Purple Shamrock, is a perennial plant celebrated for its vibrant purple leaves that fold in response to light, resembling a butterfly in motion.

What does a Oxalis triangularis look like?

This plant features triangular, purple leaves that fold down at night or in bright sunlight, and it blooms with delicate white or pink flowers, creating a striking contrast.

How often to water Oxalis triangularis?

Water your Oxalis triangularis when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, reducing frequency during its dormant period.

How much light does a Oxalis triangularis need?

Oxalis triangularis prefers bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate lower light levels. Avoid direct sunlight that can cause leaf burn.

How long does a Oxalis triangularis live?

With proper care, Oxalis triangularis can live for many years, going through cycles of growth and dormancy that contribute to its longevity.

🪴 Locally Sourced

It's not local when garden center trucks travel 1,500-3,000 miles on average to deliver your plants from far away brokers. We aim to keep our greenhouses under 150 miles* (often much less), away from the growers which results in reduced pollution, plant waste and damages, and lower the amount of time the plant is in transit.

👩🏼‍🌾 Supporting local farmers

Our farmers earn double through working with us compared to when selling to traditional large box retailers! We accomplish this by sourcing locally directly from the farmers, eliminating multiple deliveries, packaging, and subscription fees. 

  • Step 1

    We use wood fiber to cover our soil to help prevent soil spillage.

  • Step 2

    The wood fiber is placed over the soil, right under the foliage. 

  • Step 3

    We then use a plastic bag to cover the planter and wood fiber portion of the plant. 

  • Step 4

    Next we secure it tightly with a zip-tie.

  • Step 5

    We then place the houseplant in a paper bag and secure it safely with a rubber band.

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    Our free-to-use app provides watering reminders, in-depth care guides, fertilization and repotting tips, a plant identifier, a community of 150,000+ plant parents, and so much more.

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    Get personalized insights for your favorite plants. Flora's magical AI will fine-tune our recommendations to your micro-climate, potting conditions, plant's long-term health, and more.

  • Save Plants & The Earth

    Save both your plants, and the Earth! We've partnered with Patagonia's 1% for the Planet to donate 1% of all our proceeds to environmental sustainability efforts.