How to Care for Monstera Deliciosa
Written by Lauren Blaco
You may have seen the popular Monstera Deliciosa in a plant shop or in a friend's house and wondered "where do I get one" and "how do I care for a Monstera?" Well look no further, because below you'll find all you need to know on Monstera Deliciosa plant care! Having a houseplant can be a great way to add beauty, elegance and a small piece of nature to your living space.
When choosing a houseplant many people look for a plant that is easy to care for while still bringing diversity and interest to a room. Though there are many Monstera varieties, one of the most popular plants within the Monstera genus is is the Monstera Deliciosa. This exotic plant grows quite large and can easily become a statement piece that you’ll be proud to care for! Monstera Deliciosa is known and loved for the perforations and holes that grow in the large broad leaves of a mature plant.

Botanical Name |
Monstera deliciosa |
Common Name(s) |
Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Hurricane Plant, Mexican Breadfruit |
Plant Type |
Climber/Vine |
Place of Origin |
Central America |
Sun Exposure |
Filtered Sunlight |
Seasonality |
Spring, Summer, Autumn |
Native to tropical Central America, this plant is a climbing evergreen perennial vine. The Monstera Deliciosa grows as an epiphytic plant, which means that it grows along another tree from which it receives water and nutrients. In nature, the Monstera Deliciosa can grow up to 70 feet, covering trees with large broad leaves that reach sizes up to 3 feet in length. Long rope-like aerial roots crawl up trees and collect water and nutrients from rainfall. One reason this exotic plant grows perforations is because of the amount of rainfall it receives in nature. As the rain comes down, the holes allow the rain to drain through without weighing down and breaking the large leaves.
Monstera Deliciosa Watering Requirements:
Watering your Monstera is not difficult and does not require a lot of time. When considering the natural rainforest habitat this plant grows in, you may think that it requires a lot of water; this isn’t the case! Read below to learn when to water Monstera Deliciosas.
1. Don't Overwater!
When grown indoors the Monstera does not like to sit in soggy soil or be watered too often. Growing your plant in a pot that has adequate drainage holes can help prevent overwatering. You can deeply water your plant when the top two to three inches of soil feel dry when you poke your finger in it. The Monstera may require more frequent watering in the warmer months, but it is important to reduce your watering in the colder months as the plant goes dormant and doesn’t dry out as quickly as it does in the summer. Always check your soil before watering, if you feel moisture, wait, and water when it’s dry.
2. Seasonal Watering
In the warm months, you can water your Monstera once a week after checking the soil for moisture. If you water your plant deeply, you may be able to wait longer between waterings depending on your climate and conditions. One important thing to remember is to allow your plant to dry out between watering. Keeping your soil moist all the time can lead to your Monstera developing root rot and yellow leaves. The Flora Pod™ Sensor helps get rid of this problem altogether, by monitoring your plant's soil moisture and making sure its at the perfect level at all times!
3. Rainwater vs. Tap Water
The Monstera can be acclimated to any type of water. However, using distilled water or rainwater can help this plant grow to its fullest potential. Using tap water can give your plant minerals that build up and cause issues with growing.
Monstera Deliciosa Light Requirements:
1. How Much Light Does Monstera Deliciosa Need?
The Monstera Deliciosa thrives in filtered sun. Filtered sun is where your plant is able to receive rays from the sun but it is protected from direct exposure, either by a sheer curtain or by a distance from a window. Keeping your plant within five feet of a western or southern-facing window can allow access to sunlight without the possibility of direct rays burning the leaves or flowers.
2. Can Monstera Grow in Low Light?
A good recommendation is to place the plant within five feet of natural light, but this is not necessary. Monsteras can acclimate to lower light levels, though they may not grow as quickly or as large as they would with more lighting.
3. Can Monstera Grow in Artificial Light?
If you find that your space does not allow optimal placement for your plant, you can use grow lights. There are many grow lights designed for houseplants, but keep in mind most plants need a balanced spectrum light. This means that the light contains the blue and red wavelengths that plant foliage needs to grow. It may take you a while to find the right distance for your plant, but be careful not to put the light so close that it will burn their leaves. Your Monstera does not require 24/7 light, so giving it a break in the evenings might benefit the plant.
Monstera Deliciosa Humidity & Temperature:
The Monstera's natural habitat is a rainforest, so it is easy to understand why they require higher temperatures and humidity.
1. Monstera Temperature Range
Ideally, the best temperature for Monstera Deliciosa is between a range of around 60°F (15°Celsius) to 85°F (29°Celsius). Like mentioned earlier though, Monsteras are quite adaptable! This can be modified to what you’re comfortable with over time. However, this plant will not tolerate temperatures below this range.
2. Monstera Humidity Level
Keeping in mind the adaptability of this plant, it will easily tolerate average humidity. A humidity level around 40% will keep your plant comfortable and growing.
3. How to Maintain Humidity
If you find that keeping consistent humidity is difficult in your space, you can increase your humidity by misting the leaves of your plant once a day. The evaporation of the water increases the humidity directly around the plant. If this is not enough, you can group plants together. Not only does this increase humidity, but it also can increase temperature around the plants. If you still need more humidity, you can place your plant on a tray filled with pebbles (pea gravel works well). Fill the tray with water but take care not to allow the bottom of your plant to sit in water.
Monstera Deliciosa Common Pests:
When caring for living plants, sometimes you get pests. To help reduce the probability of pest infestation, make sure to examine your plant closely before buying. Buying from a reputable, clean nursery can help reduce the risk of bringing home unwanted pests. Before introducing your plant to the rest of your collection, you can quarantine it for a week or so to be sure that nothing hatches. This can reduce the risk of your other plants becoming infested. Here are some pests that can infest the Monstera:
1. Thrips: These are small, white sucking bugs. Treat your plant with